Friday, December 28, 2007

A response to Feeding Ban/Goose Control Protesters

I spend a lot of time reading articles about the feeding bans around the world. In New York, Simcha Felder is meeting a lot of resistance from people who love pigeons. Similarly, when communities are dealing with Canada Goose infestations, people are horrified. The comment that I hear most often is: "Humans made this situation; now we should put up with it."

I have to say I have a real problem with this attitude.

These individuals aren't thinking deeply about how people affect pigeons or other birds. While feeding pigeons might seem like a loving act it is really very harmful. By feeding them, we are stripping them of their food gathering instincts. The longer this goes on, the more damaging our effect on bird populations will be. Beyond the superficial "full" feeling, we are not doing anything good for pigeon health. When we feed birds, we feed them commercial bird seed, white bread, popcorn, etc. We aren't feeding them the foods they need to be healthy. We are filling them up on empty calories so they are not motivated to look for healthy food choices.

In terms of Canada Goose populations, people say that even non-lethal methods are "unnatural" and therefore shouldn't be used. Instead, these individuals would prefer that we leave the goose population alone and just let things unfold without intervention. Let me tell you something...the current goose population is not natural. In fact, until recently, Canada Geese were endangered until the 1960's. Thanks to "unnatural" conservation efforts we have revived the population. Now, the Canada Goose population is expanding by 15% each year. Because many of the birds involved in conservation never learned to migrate a lot of the birds stay in the United States year-round rather than making the return to Canada for summer. This puts a very unnatural stress on land that has never dealt with such huge wildlife populations. There simply aren't enough resources in some of the areas that Canada Geese have chosen to live in. Furthermore, to those who claim that geese are being pushed out of their natural habitat by urbanization I offer this line of reasoning: First of all, there is still PLENTY of undeveloped land. The fact is, that geese prefer to live by people because we construct artificial lakes with high surrounding visibility which makes them feel safe, there is a steady source of food, and there are virtually no predators. Despite the fact that geese are attracted to the habitats we've made for ourselves, they are perfectly capable of fending for themselves. There is no reason why we should hesitate to discourage geese from depending on us and living on our land.

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